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Taliesin Lamp

This lamp was based off the Taliesin Lamp and has minor design changes to make it my own. The overall list of material needed is (6) 1x4x8, 1/4" plywood, and (1) 1x6x6 and a spool of LED lights with connectors. I am unsure on the exact amount of plywood as I used scrap I had laying around. As for the type of wood I used pine as I was trying to build this for relatively cheap and it was my first attempt at it. The main issue I had was that the pine was warped and needed a lot of sanding for the post and to get minor imperfections out. The image to the left shows all of the parts laid out and just finished staining them with an American Walnut stain. I wanted a darker color to accent the lights from the boxes. The image to the right is the process of wiring each of the connectors into the center post to the power source. The images below show the finished light in its current home. The entire project took roughly 30 hours to finish. Overall the lamp turned out great and was an interesting build.

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